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Gelato Receives the Impact Award at 2023’s Nordic Scaleup Awards

gelato nordic innovation impact award
NewsMay 10 2023

Selected out of more than 140 submissions across the five Nordic countries

The Norwegian production-on-demand company Gelato received Nordic Innovation’s Impact award at 2023’s Nordic Scaleup Summit. 140 companies were nominated, and Gelato was selected for its work rethinking  production and distribution, facilitating global trade through local production. Using the Gelato platform, entrepreneurs, ecommerce stores, and creators across the planet can sell globally and produce locally. 

“We are honored and humbled to be recognized ” said Gelato founder and CEO, Henrik Müller-Hansen. “Our global team works hard to transform the supply chain by shifting from centralized mass production to localized customized production. Thank you for recognizing our work and supporting our mission.”

Gelato enables production to take place locally and as orders are made, which creates a close to perfect match between supply and demand and drastically reduces waste. 87% of all orders placed through Gelato are produced in the same country as the end customer,  which cuts shipping times and carbon emissions and bolsters local communities.  

“Recent global supply chain issues have highlighted the fragility of the old manufacturing model and helped propel a change from unsustainable manufacturing systems. Additionally, as additive manufacturing and 3D printing become more commercially available, virtually any item can be produced the Gelato way,” said Müller-Hansen.

The recognition was announced on May 9 at the Nordic Scaleup Summit in Stockholm, Sweden. The award committee, composed of experts and entrepreneurs, evaluated 140 nominated scaleups from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland based on their growth and business excellence, innovativeness, global reach, sustainability, and company culture. 

Three special recognitions were awarded: Gelato for Impact, IQM for Pioneering, and Einride for Green Innovation. Kerecis was named Scaleup of the Year. 

About Gelato

Gelato enables local, on-demand production on a global scale through the world’s largest network for production on demand. Gelato produces personalized products in 32 countries, allowing creators and ecommerce sellers to scale their businesses and reach customers faster while reducing waste, costs, and carbon emissions. In tandem, Gelato leverages the same network to connect the world’s print producers, allowing them to produce, manage, and ship products on a single, more efficient platform, GelatoConnect. By doing so, Gelato is changing the game for creators, makers, people, and the planet.  

Gelato was founded by CEO, Henrik Müller-Hansen, in 2007 and consists of the Gelato platform and the consumer brand Optimalprint. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, the company has offices in Atlanta, Barcelona, Berlin, Boston, Copenhagen, Denver, Hanoi, Lahore, London, Madrid, Nashville, Singapore, Stockholm, and Tallinn. To learn more about Gelato, visit For career opportunities, visit Gelato’s careers page.

For media inquiries, please contact
Danielle Eldredge
Head of PR and Communications
Email: [email protected]