1. The impact of AI on ecommerce

Top 22 AI tools for ecommerce to accelerate growth [2024]

It's 2024, and artificial intelligence has proven itself to be a game-changer within the ecommerce industry. With so many ways to enhance operations and supercharge growth, it's not just an option but a necessity. 

Let's dig deep into the top 22 AI tools that are steering ecommerce enterprises toward a future of unprecedented success.

Main takeaways from this article:

  • AI significantly enhances ecommerce by improving user experiences, decision-making through analytics, and automating tasks, leading to improved customer service and efficiency.

  • Essential AI tools for ecommerce in 2024 include Adobe Sensei for personalized marketing, DataRobot for predictive analytics, MarketMuse for SEO, Bright Pattern for customer service automation, Blue Yonder for inventory management, and AiTrillion for personalized customer engagement.

  • AI-driven tools offer capabilities like predictive modeling, content strategy optimization, seamless customer service across various channels, efficient inventory and demand forecasting, and personalized customer interactions.

  • Implementing AI in ecommerce can also improve visual search experiences, optimize product pricing dynamically, and strengthen fraud detection and cybersecurity measures.

  • When choosing AI tools, prioritize user-friendliness, versatility, robust data analysis, responsive customer support, and positive user reviews to ensure the tool aligns with business needs.

The impact of AI on ecommerce

With its ability to quickly process, analyze, and draw conclusions from vast amounts of data, AI is revolutionizing how online retailers operate. The technology enhances user experience by offering personalized shopping trips, expedites decision-making through insightful analytics, and automates numerous mundane tasks.

As a result, businesses are empowered to enhance customer satisfaction, increase conversion rates, and boost overall efficiency. 

Furthermore, advancements in AI can drive innovations in fraud detection, visual search, and priceoptimization, which are significantly altering the ecommerce landscape and offering unprecedented growth opportunities.

Essential AI tools for your online store in 2024

As 2024 approaches, understanding and leveraging essential AI software could be a game-changer for ecommerce platforms.

Let’s delve into the crucial AI integrations that will redefine your ecommerce strategy.

AI marketing tools

Digital marketing innovation
1. Adobe Sensei

This tool harnesses the power of machine learning to deliver personalized user experiences. Its robust predictive capabilities mean that it can analyze user behavior patterns and predict future actions, enabling businesses to tailor their marketing efforts based on individual customer preferences. 

Adobe Sensei isn't just about engaging customers; it also saves time by automating tedious backend tasks so your team can focus on strategic planning. 

2. NewtonX platform

It's particularly effective for businesses seeking to understand their audience better and establish efficient, targeted marketing campaigns. NewtonX uses AI to source, vet, and connect businesses with the precise audience for their market research

By collecting high-quality, real-time insights from your target customer sectors, your business can optimize its marketing campaigns for increased engagement and conversions.

AI customer experience tools

3. Dynamic Yield

Dynamic Yield is another AI tool that plays a vital role in enhancing user experience. By leveraging machine learning, this tool processes user data and behavior to provide real-time personalized experiences. Dynamic Yield focuses not only on recommendations based on user activity but also on personalized messaging pop-ups, targeted emails, and optimized landing pages, empowering brands to boost their conversion rates and generate higher ROI. 

For instance, if a customer has been browsing athletic gear, Dynamic Yield can suggest additional complementary gear, display inspiring fitness blog posts, or even prompt a personalized email reminding them of the items they viewed. These strategic, context-specific interactions can maximize customer engagement, augment revenue growth, and ultimately cement long-term customer loyalty. 

4. Glow AI

Glow AI specializes in enhancing mobile user experience. Given the dominance of mobile shopping, this tool is increasingly invaluable. Glow AI uses AI algorithms to track mobile user behavior, offering a more streamlined shopping experience by noting user preferences and optimizing touchpoints. 

For example, if a customer often buys pet supplies, Glow AI personalizes the homepage to highlight new pet products or discounts. This proactive approach can significantly improve user engagement and retention. 

Predictive analytics and customer insight tools

5. DataRobot 

DataRobot is an automated machine-learning platform known for its predictive modeling prowess. Ideal for ecommerce entrepreneurs, DataRobot leverages AI-driven analytics to decode large datasets, effectively turning complex customer data into actionable forecasts. 

What makes DataRobot unique is its user-friendly interface that requires little to no prior coding knowledge. You can seamlessly harness its automated machine-learning tools to predict customer churn, forecast demand, and optimize your marketing strategies. 

Adopting DataRobot can empower your ecommerce platform to preempt buyer behaviors, delivering a tailored shopping experience that bolsters your conversion rates, customer retention, and overall ROI. 

6. Alteryx 

Alteryx is a robust data blending and advanced analytical tool trusted by many ecommerce gurus, thanks to its ability to process wide-ranging data types and structures into keen customer insights. This intelligence can be capitalized to fine-tune marketing efforts, optimize inventory management, and predict sales patterns. 

Alteryx uses an intuitive workflow that provides predictive insights without the need for complex coding, making it accessible for all businesses―regardless of their technical abilities.

AI tools for product descriptions and SEO

SEO content creation
7. MarketMuse 

MarketMuse is a cutting-edge AI-driven content strategy and SEO tool. MarketMuse uses AI to analyze tens of thousands of topic-related content pieces from your competitors and extracts insight about which topics and subtopics are most relevant.

What does this mean for ecommerce store owners? You can leverage MarketMuse to ensure your content and product descriptions are detailed, accurate, and filled with the relevant keywords needed to outrank competitors in search engine result pages (SERPs). 

Beyond this, MarketMuse can also help produce content briefs for writers, making it easier for them to create product descriptions that align with your SEO strategy. 

8. TextOptimizer 

Want to make sure your product descriptions are not only engaging but also SEO-friendly? If so, TextOptimizer might be a perfect fit for online store owners like you.

This tool utilizes AI to analyze your content for SEO and suggest targeted keywords based on user intent. By optimizing your content based on user intent, you significantly increase your chances of higher ranking on search engines, driving more traffic to your site

TextOptimizer also provides you with a predicted score post optimization, giving you an idea of your chances to rank in the top results.

AI customer service automation tools

9. Bright Pattern 

This tool is celebrated for its ability to deliver seamless customer experiences over various channels like chat, email, text, messengers, and more. With its AI capabilities, Bright Pattern can automate the most common customer interactions, saving precious time for your customer service representatives. 

And let's not forget the tool's outstanding features, such as sentiment analysis and real-time coaching, that provide essential insights about customers while guiding your reps through the trickiest of interactions. 

10. Kommunicate 

Kommunicate is an AI-powered customer service tool that lifts businesses to new levels of efficiency by automating routine tasks and simplifying complex customer interactions. Kommunicate excels in delivering top-notch, personalized customer experiences, thanks to its robust AI chatbot builder. 

This helps cut down response times significantly and engages customers where they prefer. Besides, its dashboard is a treasure trove of insights, providing a valuable snapshot of customer interactions, agent productivity, and other key metrics.

AI inventory management and demand forecasting tools

11. Blue Yonder 

Blue Yonder's AI-driven platform provides end-to-end supply chain and retail solutions. Their demand forecasting tool uses cutting-edge AI and machine learning algorithms to predict customer demand effectively. It identifies patterns and trends from historical data to provide a more accurate forecast. 

Blue Yonder's inventory management tool assists in optimizing inventory levels, ensuring that you have just the right amount of stock. It does this while considering factors like lead times, carrying costs, and demand variability. The system can adapt to changes in real time, making it highly reliable for your ecommerce business. 

12. StockIQ 

This AI tool embraces the power of intelligent supply chain planning, offering an intuitive and easy-to-use interface packed with powerful features for demand forecasting and inventory management. StockIQ's AI algorithms can handle multiple forecasting models, analyzing historical trends to generate a highly accurate prediction of future demand. 

Plus, its inventory management feature considers various potential scenarios, helping you maintain optimal inventory levels. It provides alerts for potential stock outs or excess inventory, allowing you to make timely decisions and avoid dead stock.

AI-powered personalization tools

13. AiTrillion.

This platform utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze customer behavior and habits, harnessing this data to send personalized emails, product recommendations, and more. This means customers receive tailored content that genuinely resonates with their interests and needs rather than blanket advertising that may not capture their attention. 

Beyond this, AiTrillion can also facilitate targeted push notifications, automated workflows, and even loyalty reward programs – essentially offering a comprehensive suite of tools for personalizing and enhancing the customer journey. 

14. Optimizely

This platform is widely recognized for its experimentation and personalization capabilities, enabling businesses to run tests on their websites and optimize for the best results. Its personalization features come in handy for dynamic product recommendations, content personalization, as well as for pop-up messaging based on real-time customer behaviors.

Packed with an intuitive interface, Optimizely aids in identifying various customer segments and delivering personalized experiences that match customers' individual preferences and browsing habits. The result is a more targeted and streamlined ecommerce experience, leading to improved customer satisfaction and, eventually, higher sales.

AI chatbots for enhanced engagement

15. Chatfuel 

This AI chatbot integration is a powerful tool for creating conversational commerce experiences on Facebook Messenger. With over 360,000 bots currently active, Chatfuel provides instant, 24/7 customer service, capturing leads and driving sales in real time. 

It's designed with a no-coding approach, making the setup process straightforward and accessible to all levels of technological prowess. Notable features include personalized messaging, product recommendations, and connecting with both existing CRM and payment systems to ensure seamless customer experiences. 

16. Drift 

Drift is ultimately designed to turn browsers into buyers and drive increased sales conversions. Its robust AI-driven automation seamlessly qualifies leads, books meetings, and supports customer service around the clock. 

Drift's chatbots can easily plug into your existing technology stack, providing genuine value for ecommerce businesses looking to improve overall customer experience. They offer real-time interaction with your site visitors, swiftly addressing their inquiries and guiding them through the buyers' journey.

AI for visual search in ecommerce

17. ViSenze 

ViSenze, an artificial intelligence tool specializing in visual search, brings a unique capability to your online store. This groundbreaking tool simplifies product discovery by turning images into immediate product search opportunities. Consumers can snap or upload a photo of a desired product, and ViSenze will analyze the image, searching your website for similar items. 

In doing this, it enhances the customer shopping experience and transitions from traditional text-based searches to an interactive image-centric journey. Furthermore, Visenze offers an Insight Dashboard to showcase valuable performance metrics, such as search and click results, trending visual search keywords, and conversion data. 

18. Clarifai 

Known for its superior image and video recognition capabilities, Clarifai can be integrated into your ecommerce store to improve customer search experience. Your customers can search your product catalog using images instead of words, which is particularly useful for ecommerce sectors like fashion, furniture, or any other visually-determined product category.

Clarifai's technology, backed by machine learning, can analyze, understand, and categorize these images for more accurate searching. This not only aids the customer but also supports SEO practices by enhancing your product catalog's visibility. 

Clarifai also boasts an 'AI Advisor' feature, offering predictions and suggestions to dramatically improve your ecommerce operations.

AI-powered pricing optimization tools

Visualizing pricing strategies
19. PROS 

When it comes to AI-powered pricing optimization tools, PROS stands out in the crowd. This smart tool uses machine learning algorithms to determine the ideal prices for every product in your ecommerce store. 

It examines customer behavior, past purchases, and current market trends to ensure you price your products competitively. The result? You'll never underprice or overprice your products again, meaning higher profits and satisfied customers. Plus, it even offers real-time pricing updates to keep your pricing strategy one step ahead of your competitors. 

20. Pricefx 

Pricefx is a state-of-the-art AI tool that takes smart pricing to a whole new level. Pricefx uses a unique blend of AI and data analytics to offer real-time insights, dynamic pricing solutions, and competitive intelligence, thus helping you make informed decisions about pricing your products. 

With Pricefx, you can tailor pricing based on customer segment, location, buying patterns, etc. Its accurate forecasting gives you the power to anticipate pricing changes, allowing you to stay competitive and profitable amidst an ever-changing ecommerce landscape.

AI for fraud detection and security

21. Featurespace 

Are you worried about online scams and data breaches on your ecommerce website? Meet Featurespace, a state-of-the-art AI tool designed to detect fraud in real time. Developed originally at the University of Cambridge, Featurespace utilizes advanced machine learning techniques to spot suspicious activity on your platform. 

It studies the normal behavior of your users and employs Adaptive Behavioral Analytics to recognize any deviations, signaling potential fraud. This tool not only helps keep your marketplace secure but also creates an environment where your customers feel safe to shop. 

22. Deep Instinct 

Deep Instinct is an AI-powered cybersecurity solution that leverages deep learning to prevent fraud and cyber threats. This tool takes security to the next level by not only detecting threats but also predicting and preventing them before they occur. 

Capable of identifying zero-day threats, it offers a robust defense against advanced persistent threats and ransomware, ensuring maximum security for your ecommerce platform. With Deep Instinct’s real-time threat detection capabilities, you can keep your online store's data secure and build a trustworthy reputation among your customers.

What to look for in AI tools

Selecting the right AI tool can make a world of difference in your ecommerce strategies. In this sea of technological advancements, it's critical to know what to prioritize when evaluating these tools. Here are the top five aspects of AI tools you should keep an eye out for: 

1. User-friendliness 

If a tool is too complex and requires excessive time to comprehend and utilize, it may not be worth the investment. Look for tools that have intuitive interfaces and provide clear instructions or guidelines on how to utilize their features most effectively. 

2. Versatility and adaptability 

AI tools are not one-size-fits-all, so identify tools that can adapt to your business's unique needs. Look for versatility in handling different data types and adaptability to changing market trends. The best AI tools should be able to grow and evolve with your business. 

3. Robust data analysis capabilities 

The ability to analyze and effectively use vast quantities of data can significantly bolster your business's decision-making processes. An AI tool with robust data analysis capabilities can generate insightful predictions and recommendations, providing real-time and actionable value. 

4. Strong and responsive customer support 

Even with the most user-friendly interface, you're likely to encounter hurdles while using AI tools. Therefore, strong and responsive customer support is crucial. Whether it's a technical glitch or a query about a specific feature, prompt and helpful customer service can smooth out these inevitable bumps in the road. 

5. Positive reviews and testimonials 

While promotional material can give you a general sense of what an AI tool can do, reviews and testimonials from real users offer raw and unfiltered information about the tool's performance and efficacy. Before deciding, explore what other ecommerce businesses have to say about the tool – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Tips for successful AI tool implementation

Here are five critical tips that can guide you through the process effortlessly: 

1. Begin with a clear strategy 

Understand what specific problems you want AI to solve in your business, whether improving customer service or streamlining inventory management. Aligning the AI implementation with your business goals ensures a smoother transition and successful results. Focus on one AI tool at a time to gain a comprehensive understanding before moving on to another. 

2. Involve all stakeholders 

The implementation of AI tools is a collaborative effort. It is vital to include all stakeholders, right from the planning stage to the roll-out phase. This includes employees who will be using the tool, IT personnel, and decision-makers. Engaging all stakeholders assures their buy-in, facilitating more efficient execution and use of the AI tools. 

3. Education and training

An essential aspect of implementing AI tools is ensuring your team is well-versed in using them. Invest in AI literacy and organize appropriate training sessions and workshops so the adoption and acceptance of AI by your employees is seamless.

4. Continuous testing and evaluation

AI tools, once implemented, require constant monitoring and testing to ensure they are functioning as expected. Regular evaluations allow for adjustments and tweaks to improve the tool's performance continually. 

5. Understand AI limitations 

While AI can potentially transform your ecommerce operations, it's essential to recognize that AI is not a silver bullet for all business challenges. It's crucial to understand when to use AI and when traditional human-led initiatives are more appropriate. A balanced combination of human expertise and AI capabilities often yields the best results.

Accelerate ecommerce growth with global print on demand

While integrating these AI tools into your ecommerce operations can streamline processes and boost efficiency, you can further enrich your revenue goals with global print on demand services like Gelato. Offering a diverse range of products, such as t-shirts, mugs, wall art, phone cases, and photo books, Gelato can help you maximize efficiency whilst ensuring quality and consistency. 

This blend of advanced AI integrations and efficient fulfillment can significantly accelerate ecommerce growth, delivering a streamlined and customer-centric experience.

Ready to explore how your ecommerce business can grow with Gelato's global print on demand service? Sign up for Gelato today.


Next steps

Start selling products with Gelato